Thursday, December 17, 2015

Indentation and brackets in languages

Apple has released Swift, an object-oriented language for developing applications. It may be that Swift marks the end of the C-style indentation and brace syntax.

Why is indentation and bracket style important? Maybe we should start with a definition of indentation and brace style, and go from there.

In the far past, programs were punched onto cards and the syntax of the programming language reflected that. FORTRAN and COBOL languages reserved columns 1 through 6 for line numbers, column 7 for line continuation and comments, and columns 73 to 80 for card sequencing. (The last was used to sort the card deck when it was dropped and cards spilled on the floor.)

The limitations of the punch card and the notion that one and only one statement may appear on one (or possibly more) cards had a heavy influence on the syntax of the language.

Algol introduced a number of changes. It introduced the 'begin/end' keywords that were later used by Pascal and became the braces in most modern languages. It removed the importance of newlines, allowing multiple statements on a single line, and allowing a single statement to span multiple lines without special continuation markers.

The result was the syntax we have in C, C++, Java, and C# (and a bunch of other languages). Semicolons (not newlines) terminate statements. Braces group statements. Indentation doesn't matter, statements can begin in any column we desire. All of these features come from Algol. (At the beginning of this essay I referred to it as "C-style indentation and brace syntax", but the ideas really originated in Algol.)

The "Algol revolution" threw off the shackles of column-based syntax. Programmers may not have rejoiced, but they did like the new world. They wrote programs gleefully, indenting as they liked and arguing about the "one true brace style".

Some programmers wanted this style:

function_name(params) {

Others wanted:


And yet others wanted:


There were some programmers who wanted to use whatever style that felt comfortable at the time, even if that meant that their code was inconsistent and difficult to read.

It turns out that the complete freedom of indentation and brace placement is not always a good thing. In the past decades, we have taken some steps in the direction of constraints on indentation and braces.

For years, programming teams have held code reviews. Some of these reviews look at the formatting of the code. Inconsistent indentation is flagged as something to be corrected. Variants of the lint program warn on inconsistent indentation.

Visual Studio, Microsoft's IDE for professionals, auto-formats code. It did some with the old Visual Basic. Today it auto-indents and auto-spaces C# code. It even aligns braces according to the style you choose.

The Python language uses indentation, not braces, to mark code blocks. It reports inconsistent indentation and refuses to run code until the indentation is consistent.

The Go language uses braces to mark code blocks and it requires a specific style of braces (the first style shown above). It won't compile programs that use other styles.

We have designed our processes, out tools, and our languages to care about indentation and brace style. We are gradually moving to language syntax that uses them, that considers them significant.

As programmers, as people who read code, we want consistent indentation. We want consistent brace style. We want these things because it makes the code easier to read.

Which gets us back to Swift.

Swift has restrictions on brace style. It uses brace placement to assist in the determination of statements, visible in the syntax for if statements and for loops (and I suspect while loops). Indentation doesn't matter. Brace style does.

We now have three popular languages (Python, Go, and Swift) that care about indentation or brace style. That, I think, shows a trend. Language designers are beginning to care about these aspects of syntax, and developers are willing to work with languages that enforce them. We will not return to the harsh constraints of FORTRAN and COBOL, but we will retreat from the complete freedom of Algol, Pascal, and C. And I think that the middle ground allow us to develop and share programs effectively.

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