Sunday, March 11, 2012

The post-spreadsheet world

The tablet/smartphone revolution changes the rules for our use of computers. We can now (easily) take them with us, they provide simple user interfaces on small displays, and data is stored on servers. This new model works poorly with spreadsheets, which want large displays, have complex user interfaces, and consider the data as their own. Spreadsheets were not designed for collaboration.

Google has done impressive work with their on-line documents and spreadsheets. I have yet to see Microsoft's on-line offerings, so I will not comment on them. But I can make some predictions.

The tablet and smartphone revolution moves us into a new realm of processing. This new model of processing builds apps from small, connected services and shares data. I think that the collision of tablets and spreadsheets will give us new tools.

Spreadsheets, at their core, are scriptable data processors. They store their data in a two-dimensional format (or three-dimensional format, if you consider multiple sheets to be a dimension). The scripts can be simple formulas, or they can be programs (in Microsoft programs they are written in VBA, in Open Office they are in Java). The ability to apply simple scripts (formulas) is what gives spreadsheets their power.

I expect that in the new world of tablets we will develop small, connectable, scriptable data processors. These processors will work with small sets of data, presenting it to users with smaller screens and also letting users change the data. They will also let users create and run (and share) scripts. And most importantly, they will connect to other data processors -- probably through web services. People will not build spreadsheets but their own custom apps, plugging together these data processors.

Add version control, identity management, and access controls (based on identity), and you will be able to build enterprise-class apps.

We may keep spreadsheets, although I expect them to change. Once mission-critical data is in the cloud, we will extend spreadsheets to pull that data and merge it into a two-dimensional grid. Enthusiastic folks may build real-time updates, bi-directional updates, round-tripping, and collaboration for multiple spreadsheet users. The spreadsheet will become a client of the data processors in the cloud.

In this scenario, Alice may be working on some figures on her tablet as she commutes to the office (she rides in a carpool) while Bob reviews those same figures in the office in his spreadsheet. No one has the master spreadsheet, no one has to worry about getting the latest version.

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