Sunday, January 29, 2012


Today, I wrote a small program to parse web pages and create a graph of relationships between them. The task got me thinking of the capabilities of programming languages.

Different programming languages offer different levels of "power". (By power, I mean the amount of work that can be done by a specific amount of code. Powerful languages require less code to perform the same task as weak languages.)

To some extent, power can be masked by the job. Some languages are weak but well-suited to some tasks. A jet airliner is a powerful craft, yet sometimes a hang glider is needed. Let's stick to mainstream projects, which operate in the middle range. We can avoid the hang glider tasks, and we can avoid the tasks that need supersonic stealth flight.

The languages for mainstream projects have, over time, improved. From the Elder Days of FORTRAN and COBOL, through the object revolution of C++, to the network era of Java and C#, later languages (and their IDEs and libraries) have been more capable than their predecessors.

Today I used Ruby and its libraries to parse the HTML in web pages, and GraphViz to render the graph of relationships. I was able to build my "system" in a few hours. Most of my work was "standing on the shoulders of giants", since I could leverage powerful tools. To build the same system in the early 1990s would require a bit more work (Ruby had not been invented, although GraphViz was around).

Languages and tools of today are more powerful than languages and tools of a decade ago. No surprise there. C++ is more powerful than C, Java more powerful than C++, C# slightly more powerful than Java (once you include the IDE and libraries), and Python and Ruby are more powerful than C#. The evolutionary ladder of languages moves us up the scale of power.

But let us think about legacy projects. Legacy projects often stay with their original technology. A project started in C++ often stays in C++; converting to a different language often means a complete re-write of the entire code base. (And often the re-write must be done in toto, converting all code at once.)

Project managers are right to evaluate the cost of converting to a different language. It is a significant effort, and the task can divert resources from enhancements and defect fixes.

But project managers must balance the costs of conversion against the costs of not converting.

A naive approach says that the cost of not converting is zero -- the project continues running and new versions are released.

A more savvy understanding of non-conversion includes the opportunity cost, the cost of lower productivity over time.

The decision of conversion to a new language is similar to the decision to purchase a new car. The old car runs, but needs maintenance and gets poor gas mileage. A new car will cost a lot of money up front, and will have lower maintenance and operating costs (and will probably be more reliable). When do you buy the new car?

An additional musing:

A large project using older technology can be viewed as inefficient, since it requires more developers to perform the same work in a similar system that uses a more powerful language. Therefore, the decision to defer conversion to a new language is a decision to increase the development team (or to forego the opportunity to reduce the development team).

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