Saturday, November 19, 2011

Programming and the fullness of time

Sometimes when writing code, the right thing to do is to wait for the technology to improve.

On a previous project, we had the challenge of (after the system had been constructed) making the programs run faster. Once the user saw the performance of the system, they wanted a faster version. It was a reasonable request, although the performance was sluggish, not horrible. The system was usable, it just wasn't "snappy".

So we set about devising a solution. We knew the code, and we knew that making the system faster would not be easy. Improved performance would require changing much of the code. Complicating the issue was the tool that we had used: a code-generation package that created a lot of the code for us. Once we started modifying the generated code, we could no longer use the generator. Or we could track all changes and apply them to later generated versions of the system. Neither path was appealing.

We debated various approaches, and the project management bureaucracy was such that we *could* debate various approaches without showing progress in code changes. That is, we could stall or "run the clock out".

It turned out that doing nothing was the right thing to do. By making no changes to the code, but simply waiting for PCs to become faster, the problem was solved.

So now we come to Google's Chromebook, the portable PC with only a browser.

One of the criticisms against the Chromebook is the lack of off-line capabilities for Google Docs. This is a fair criticism; the Chromebook is useful only when connected to the internet, and internet connections are not available everywhere.

Yet an off-line mode for Google Docs may be the wrong solution to the problem. The cost of developing such a solution is not trivial. Google might invest several months (with multiple people) developing and testing the off-line mode.

But what if networking becomes ubiquitous? Or at least more available? If that were to happen, then the need for off-line processing is reduced (if not eliminated). The solution to "how do I process documents when I am not connected" is solved not by creating a new solution, but by waiting for the surrounding technology to improve.

Google has an interesting decision ahead of them. They can build the off-line capabilities into their Docs applications. (I suspect it would require a fair amount of Javascript and hacks for storing large sets of data.) Or they can do nothing and hope that network coverage improves. (By "do nothing", I mean work on other projects.)

These decisions are easy to review in hindsight, they are cloudy on the front end. If I were them, I would be looking at the effort for off-line processing, the possible side benefits from that solution, and the rate of network coverage. Right now, I see no clear "winning" choice; no obvious solution that is significantly better than others. Which doesn't mean that Google should simply wait for network coverage to get better -- but it also means that Google shouldn't count that idea out.

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