Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is "cheap and easy" a good thing?

In the IT industry, we are all about developing (and adopting) new techniques. The techniques often start as manual processes, often slow, expensive, and unreliable. We automate these processes, and eventually, the processes become cheap and easy. One would think that this path is a good thing.

But there is a dark spot.

Consider two aspects of software development: backups and version control.

More often than I like, I encounter projects that do not use a version control system. And many times, I encounter shops that have no process for creating backup copies of data.

In the early days of PCs, backups were expensive and consumed time and resources. The history of version control systems is similar. The earliest (primitive) systems were followed by (expensive) commercial solutions (that also consumed time and resources).

But the early objections to backups and version control no longer hold. There are solutions that are freely available, easy to use, easy to administer, and mostly automatic. Disk space and network connections are plentiful.

These solutions do require some effort and some administration. Nothing is completely free, or completely automatic. But the costs are significantly less than they were.

The resistance to version control is, then, only in the mindset of the project manager (or chief programmer, or architect, or whoever is running the show). If a project is not using version control, its because the project manager thinks that not using version control will be faster (or cheaper, or better) than using version control. If a shop is not making backup copies of important data, its because the manager thinks that not making backups is cheaper than making backups.

It is not enough for a solution to be cheap and easy. A solution has to be recognized as cheap and easy, and recognized as the right thing to do. The problem facing "infrastructure" items like backups and version control is that as they become cheap and easy, they also fade into the background. Solutions that "run themselves" require little in the way of attention from managers, who rightfully focus their efforts on running the business.

When solutions become cheap and easy (and reliable), they fall off of managers' radar. I suspect that few magazine articles talk about backup systems. (The ones that do probably discuss compliance with regulations for specific environments.) Today's articles on version control talk about the benefits of the new technologies (distributed version control systems), not the necessity of version control.

So here is the fading pain effect: We start with a need. We develop solutions, and make those tasks easier and more reliable, and we reduce the pain. As the pain is reduced, the visibility of the tasks drops. As the visibility drops, the importance assigned by managers drops. As the importance drops, fewer resources are assigned to the task. Resources are allocated to other, bigger pains. ("The squeaky wheel gets the grease.")

Beyond that, there seems to be a "window of awareness" for technical infrastructure solutions. When we invent techniques (version control, for example), there is a certain level of discussion and awareness of the techniques. As we improve the tools, the discussions become fewer, and at some point they live only in obscure corners of web forums. Shops that have adopted the techniques continue to use them, but shops that did not adopt the techniques have little impetus to adopt them, since they (the solutions) are no longer discussed.

So if you're a shop and you're "muddling through" with a manual solution (or no solution), you eventually stop getting the message that there are automated solutions. At this point, it is likely that you will never adopt the technology.

And this is why I think that "cheap and easy" may not always be a good thing.

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