Friday, September 30, 2011

Functional programming pays off

I've been using the "immutable objects" technique from functional programming. This technique starts with object-oriented programming and constrains objects to immutables, objects that cannot change once constructed. This is quite different from the traditional object-oriented programming approach, in which objects can change their state.

With the immutable object style, objects can be constructed but not modified. This is constraining, yet it is also freeing. Once we have an object, I know that I can re-arrange code and not affect the object -- it is immutable, after all. Re-arranging code lets us simplify the higher-level functions and make the code more readable.

The new technique was not "natural" -- no change in programming techniques ever is -- and it took some effort to change. I started at the bottom of the object hierarchy, which let me modify objects with no dependencies. This approach was important. I could change the bottom-most objects and not affect the other (high-level) objects. It let me introduce the concept gradually, and with minimal ripples.

Over the past few weeks, I have extended the immutable style upwards, and now most classes are immutable. This change has already yielded results; we can debug problems faster and change the system design quickly, and each time we know that we are introducing no new defects. (A comprehensive set of tests helps, too.)

We now have code that can be read by our (non-programming) subject matter experts, code that works, and code that can be easily changed. This is a win for all of us.

I expect immutable object programming to become popular, and soon.

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