Advances in programming come from, to a large extent, advances in programming languages. And those advances in programming languages, unlikely as it seems, are mostly not expanded features but restrictions.
That advances come from restrictions seems counter-intuitive. How does fewer choices make us better programmers?
Let's look at some selected changes in programming languages, and how they enabled better programming.
The first set of restrictions was structured programming. Structured programming introduced the concepts of the IF/THEN/ELSE statement and the WHILE loop. More importantly, structured programming banished the GOTO statement (and its cousin, the IF/GOTO statement). This restriction was an important advancement for programming.
A GOTO statement allows for arbitrary flows of control within programs. Structured programming's IF/THEN/ELSE and WHILE statements (and WHILE's cousin, the FOR statement) force structure onto programs. Arbitrary flows of control were not possible.
The result was programs that were harder to write but easier to understand, easier to debug, and easier to modify. Structured programming -- the loss of GOTO -- was an advancement in programming.
A similar advance occurred with object-oriented programming. Like structured programming, object-oriented programming was a set of restrictions coupled with a set of new features. In object oriented programming, those restrictions were encapsulation (hiding data within a class) and the limiting of functions (requiring an instance of the class to execute). Data encapsulation protected data from arbitrary changes; one had to go through functions (in well-designed systems) to change the data. Instance functions were limited to executing on instances of the class, which meant that one had to *have* an instance of the class to call the function. Functions could not be called at arbitrary points in the code.
Both structured programming and object-oriented programming advanced the state of the art for programming. They did it by restricting the choices that programmers could make.
I'm going to guess that future advancements in programming will also come from restrictions in new programming languages. What could those restrictions be?
I have a few ideas.
One idea is immutable objects. This idea has been tested in the functional programming languages. Those languages often have immutable objects, objects which, once instantiated, cannot change their state.
In today's object-oriented programming languages, objects are often mutable. They can change their state, either through functions or direct access of member data.
Functional programming languages take a different view. Objects are immutable: once formed they cannot be changed. Immutable objects enforce discipline in programming: you must provide all of the ingredients when instantiating an object; you cannot partially initialize an object and add things later.
I would like to see a programming language that implements immutable objects. But not perfectly -- I want to allow for some objects that are not immutable. Why? Because the shift to "all objects are immutable" is too much, too fast. My preference is for a programming language to encourage immutable designs and require extra effort to design mutable objects.
A second idea is a limit to the complexity of expressions.
Today's programming languages allow for any amount of complexity in an expression. Expressions can be simple (such as A + 1) or complex (such as A + B/C - sqr(B + 7) / 2), or worse.
I want expressions to be short and simple. This means breaking a complex expression into multiple statements. The only language that I know that placed restrictions on expressions was early FORTRAN, and then only for the index to an array variable. (The required form was I*J+K, where I, J, and K were optional.)
Perhaps we could design a language that limited the number of operations in an expression. Simpler expressions are, well, simpler, and easier to understand and modify. Any expression that contained more than a specific number of operations would be an error, forcing the programmer to refactor the expression.
A third idea is limits on the size of functions and classes. Large functions and large classes are harder to understand than small functions and small classes. Most programming languages have a style-checker, and most style-checkers issue warnings for long functions or classes with lots of functions.
I want to strengthen those warnings and change them to errors. A function that is too long (I'm not sure how long is too long, but that's another topic) is an error -- and the compiler or interpreter rejects it. The same applies to a class: too many data members, or too many functions, and you get an error.
But like immutable objects, I will allow for some functions to be larger than the limit, and some classes to be more complex than the limit. I recognize that some classes and functions must break the rules. (But the mechanism to allow a function or class to break the rules must be a nuisance, more than a simple '@allowcomplex' attribute.)
Those are the restrictions that I think will help us advance the art of programming. Immutable objects, simple expressions, and small functions and classes.
Of these ideas, I think the immutable objects will be the first to enter mainstream programming. The concept has been implemented, some people have experience with it, and the experience has been positive. New languages that combine object-oriented programming with functional programming (much like Microsoft's F#, which is not so new) will allow more programmers to see the benefits of immutable objects.
I think programming will be better for it.
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