Monday, January 16, 2017

Discipline in programming

Programming has changed over the years. We've created new languages and added features to existing languages. Old languages that many consider obsolete are still in use, and still changing. (COBOL and C++ are two examples.)

Looking at individual changes, it is difficult to see a general pattern. But stepping back and getting a broader view, we can see that the major changes have increased discipline and rigor.

The first major change was the use of high-level languages in place of assembly language. Using high-level languages provided some degree of portability across different hardware (one could, theoretically, run the same FORTRAN program on IBM, Honeywell, and Burroughs mainframes). It meant a distant relationship with the hardware and a reliance on the compiler writers.

The next change was structured programming. It changed our notions of flow control, using "while", "if/then/else", and "for" structures and discouraged the use of "goto".

Then we adopted relational databases, separate from the application program. It required using an API (later standardized as SQL) rather than accessing data directly, and it required thought and planning for the database.

Relational databases forced us to organize data stored on disk. Object-oriented programming forced us to organize data in memory. We needed object models and for very large projects, separate teams to manage the models.

Each of these changes added discipline to programming. The shift to compilers required reliable compilers and reliable vendors to support them. Structured programming applied rigor to the sequence of computation. Relational databases applied rigor to the organization of data stored outside of memory, that is, on disk. Object-oriented programming applied rigor to the organization of data stored in memory.

I should note that each of these changes was opposed. Each had naysayers, usually basing their arguments on performance. And to be fair, the initial implementation of each change did have lower performance than the old way. Yet each change has a group of advocates (I call them "the Pascal crowd" after the early devotees to that language) who pushed for the change. Eventually, the new methods were improved and accepted.

The overall trend is towards rigor and discipline. In other words, the Pascal crowd has consistently won the debates.

Which is why, when looking ahead, I think future changes will keep moving in the direction of rigor and discipline. There may be minor deviations from this path, with new languages introducing undisciplined concepts, but I suspect that they will languish. The successful languages will require more thought, more planning, and prevent more "dangerous" operations.

Functional programming is promising. It applies rigor to the state of our program. Functional programming languages use immutable objects, which once made cannot be changed. As the state of the program is the sum of the state of all variables, functional programming demands more thought given to the state of our system. That fits in with the overall trend.

So I expect that functional languages, like structured languages and object-oriented languages, will be gradually adopted and their style will be accepted as normal. And I expect more changes, all in the direction of improved rigor and discipline.

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