Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tablet fever? Take two tablets and call me in the morning

Microsoft announced their first tablet offerings, and the response has been positive. Enough people have submitted orders for the low-end model to sell out.

This shows two things:

First, it puts Microsoft in the top tier for the tablet market, and shows that people take Microsoft seriously. A number of manufacturers have produced tablets (Motorola, Acer, Dell, and even HP) the sales of non-Apple tablets have been tepid. By providing a tablet that sells out (even before it is for sale), Microsoft joins Apple and Google in the ranks of "suppliers of desired devices".

Second, that the interest in tablets is not an Apple phenomenon. Apple fanboys may lead the way for iPad sell-outs, but they had nothing to do with the Microsoft Surface sales. That interest is coming from a different part of the market.

Perhaps I am putting too much weight on this one event. It may be that Microsoft produced a small number of the low-end Surface tablets (the higher-end Surface tablets are still available). It may be that people are buying the Surface tablets as an experiment, or for corporate pilot projects, and the initial demand is higher than the "true market".

People (rightfully) point out the failures of Microsoft's phones, Zune, and Kin offerings. But those products never gained traction in the market, and none sold out -- much less prior to shipping.

There is interest in the Microsoft Surface tablets, and I believe all tablets. Apple and Microsoft get a lot of attention from brand recognition. Google does too, when it ships devices.

I think we are about to undergo a case of "tablet fever", with tablets becoming the most desired device. It should make for an interesting ride.

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