Sunday, October 4, 2009

Limits to Growth

Did you know that Isaac Newton, esteemed scientist and notable man of the Church, once estimated the theoretical maximum height for trees? I didn't, until I read a recent magazine article. It claimed that he calculated the maximum height as 300 feet, using strength and weight formulas.

I have found no other reference to confirm this event, but perhaps the truth of the event is less important than the idea that one can calculate a theoretical maximum.

For trees, the calculation is straightforward. Weight is a function of volume, and can be charted as a line graph. Strength is a function of the cross-section of the tree, and can also be charted as a line graph. The two lines are not parallel, however, and the point at which they cross is the theoretical maximum. (There are a few other factors, such as the density of the wood, and they can be included in the calculation.) The intersection point is the limit, beyond which no tree can grow.

Let's move from trees to software. Are there limits to software? Can we calculate the maximum size of a program or system? Here the computations are more complex. I'm not referring to arbitrary limits such as the maximum modules a compiler can handle (although those limits seem to be relegated to our past) but to the size of a program, or of a system of programs.

It's hard to say that there are limits to the size of programs. Our industry, over the past sixty years, has seen programs and systems grow in size and complexity. In the early days, a program of a few hundred lines of code was considered large. Today we have systems with hundreds of millions of lines of code. There seems to be no upper limit.

If we cannot identify absolute limits for programs or systems, can we identify limits to programming teams? It's quite easy to see that a programming team of one person would be limited to the one of a single individual. That individual might be extremely talented and extremely hard-working, or might be an average performer. A team of programmers, in theory, can perform more work than a single programmer. Using simple logic, we could simply add programmers until we achieve the needed size.

Readers of The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks will recognize the fallacy of that logic. Adding programmers to a team increases capacity, but also increases the communication load. More programmers need more coordination. Their contributions increase linearly, but coordination effort increases faster than linearly. (Metcalfe's law which indicates that communication channels increase as the square of the participants, works against you here.) You have a graph with two lines, and at some point they cross. Beyond that point, your project spends more time communication than coding, and each additional programmer costs more than they produce.

I don't have numbers. Brooks indicated that a good team size was about seven people. That's probably a shock to the managers of large, multi-million LOC projects and their teams of dozens (hundreds?) of programmers. Perhaps Brooks is wrong, and the number is higher.

The important thing is to monitor the complexity. Knowing the trend helps one plan for resources and measure efficiency. Here's my list of important factors. These are the things I would measure:

- The complexity of the data
- The complexity of the operations on the data
- The power of the programming language
- The power of the development tools (debuggers, automated tests)
- The talent of people on the team (programmers, testers, and managers)
- The communication mechanisms used by the team (e-mail, phone, video conference)
- The coordination mechanisms used by the team (meetings, code reviews, documents)
- The rate at which changes are made to the code
- The quality of the code
- The rate at which code is refactored

The last two factors are often overlooked. Changes made to the code can be of high or low quality. High-quality changes are elegant and easy to maintain. Low-quality changes get the work done, but leave the code difficult to maintain. Refactoring improves the code quality while keeping the feature set constant. Hastily-made changes often leave you in a technical hole. These two factors measure the rate at which you are climbing out of the hole. If you aren't measuring these two factors, then your team is probably digging the hole deeper.

So, as a manager, are you measuring these factors?

Or are you digging the hole deeper?

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