Sunday, March 30, 2008

The new old thing

The new old thing is e-mail.

As today's new users (read 'kids') use computers, they adopt new technologies faster than the 'old guard'. Not only do they adopt new technologies, they also drop old technologies.

People have been adopting new technologies and dropping old technologies for years. Decades. Centuries. Who uses buggy whips nowadays? Or builds pyramids? Or uses carbon paper?

The new old thing is e-mail.

The new new things are instant messaging (IM), text messaging, social networking sites (MySpace and FaceBook), and sites like Twitter. Kids today use these technologies for communicating with friends. They grudgingly use e-mail, to talk with their parents.

The new old thing is e-mail.

This blog used to be distributed via e-mail. Today it is hosted on the Google site called 'Blogger'. The blog site is easier for me to administer and easier for users. Google supplies the storage space and provides the RSS plumbing.

The new old thing is e-mail. For now.

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